What is a Center for Independent Living?

CILs – Centers for Independent Living are, unlike many other organizations in the disability community, run by and for people with disabilities. We believe that people with disabilities should be the decision-makers in their own lives, and we provide tools and support for people to achieve greater control and independence.

Does disABILITY LINK provide assistance with paying bills or other personal expenses?

disABILITY LINK is unable to provide funds for rent or other bills and expenses.

What can disABILITY LINK do for me?

disABILITY LINK offers four core services as well as other additional programs when funding permits.

1.  I&R – disABILITY LINK can inform you about other organizations that provide services and support for people with disabilities
2.  Advocacy
3.  Peer support – we believe that support from experienced peers can be a way people to acquire the tools they need to live more independently
4.  Independent living skills training – the staff of disABILITY LINK can provide assistance with planning, budgeting, and other skills that help people with disability have control of their own lives.

Employment – disABILITY LINK’s employment program assists people with all disabilities in finding and maintaining employment. We recognize that many people are reliant upon Medicaid and other benefits and will work to find solutions that fit the individual needs of consumers.

Transportation – (VTAP & Travel training)

Nursing Home Transition –

Does disABILITY LINK provide housing assistance?

disABILITY LINK does not provide direct assistance with housing. However, there are some resources available to people with disabilities that are in need of housing.

Georgia Housing Search: www.georgiahousingsearch.org 1-877-428-8844

For more local housing resources, please go to: http://www.silcga.org/resources/accessible-housing

How do I apply for Medicaid/SSI?

You may apply for Medicaid or Social Security Income by contacting your local DFCS office. You can find contact numbers and additional information here: http://dfcs.dhr.georgia.gov

How can I get a personal care attendant to help me in my home?

If you are over 60 or receiving Medicaid, you may qualify for in-home care services. You can contact the Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC) for additional information. They may be reached at 404-463-3333.