Loan Closet

Borrowing a device is free of charge, and anyone is eligible to participate—individuals, families, schools, and businesses. When we don’t have a device available we try to refer you to someone who may have the item. People borrow devices through our loan closet for many reasons: to accommodate a guest, offer support for an employee, or to try a device before it’s purchased. Whatever your interest is, you are welcome to stop by disABILITY LINK to check out our inventory.

Here are a few of the items we carry: video magnifiers; long distance viewing glasses; portable listening devices; screen readers for the visually impaired; amplified phones; large print keyboards; electronic book readers; wheelchairs, crutches, walkers, and much, much more.

disABILITY LINK welcomes donations of durable medical equipment and other technology and items that are in good working condition for redistribution to our consumers. If you have an item for donation, please call disABILITY to ensure that there is both room for storage and/or someone in need of the device. All donations made are tax deductible and we can provide a donation letter to you at the time of receipt. If you are in need of a specific item, please call in or e-mail us.